April 26, 2012

Diesel Jane + Lily Jane = Best Friends

Yes we named our daughter after our dog.  Most people think it's cute.  Some people look at us like we are wackos.  Either way it's the truth.  From very early on in my pregnancy Diesel would lay her head on my belly.  We were convinced she could hear Lily's heartbeat long before we could.  As my pregnancy progressed, Lily would kick at Diesel when we'd snuggle.  Diesel would get irritated and move her head around but Lily always followed.  This morning, for the first time since I delivered Lily, Diesel laid her head on my stomach.  She sat up abruptly and looked at me as if just realizing the screaming baby that has been around for the last six weeks is what was kicking her all that time.  She got off the bed and laid down by Lily's bassinet.  Clearly I've moved down the importance scale.

Yesterday we started introducing Lily to her crib starting with one nap.  I placed Lily in her crib and took the opportunity to crawl into my own bed.  Diesel stood in the doorway of our bedroom looking at me as if to say she didn't know what to do.  She turned around and sprawled across the hall floor with her nose in the doorway of Lily's room and her tail touching ours.  When I woke up an hour later, I found Diesel curled up against Lily's crib. 


Mike was always the favorite before I got pregnant.  Then Diesel followed me around like I was the chosen one.  I think the scales have shifted - Lily is now at the top.  When Diesel isn't by Lily's side, she is laying by the front door waiting for Mike to come home from work.  I tell myself she's really only interested in the chipmunks but I know the truth - she doesn't lay by the door after daddy gets home...

Could she be any closer to the bouncy?  I suppose she could be under it.

Supervising tummy time
April 26, 2012 / by / 0 Comments

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