May 29, 2012

Sun Filled Weekend

We spent the holiday weekend back in Vicksburg visiting with family and friends.  Lily will no doubt be a water baby - she loves her boat rides and hanging out by the pool.

Before she revolted against the headband

Anna and Lily - BFFs

About to cool off in the pool

Yes my beverage is covering my child...

Yes I cropped the beverages out of this picture....

Captain and first mate
Sunbathing beauty

Couldn't forget about our furry baby

It's never a dull moment when we visit.  Lily demonstrated her projectile vomiting for both Grandmas - Grandma Deedee even got it on video tape.  If I can get a copy I'll be sure to post it.

When we left home on Thursday, Lily had been having diarrhea and vomiting all day (I know you don't want to hear about it but it sets up this story very nicely).  I called our pediatrician and after they blew me off with a crap answer I decided we will be switching ASAP.  At 2:17am Friday morning, Mike was changing Lily's diaper on the bed and I was sleeping.  The next thing I know, Mike is telling me to get up and help him.  I don't have my glasses on so all I can tell is that Mike is as far away from the baby as possible and Lily is laying next to me without a diaper on - as you may have guessed Lily pooped everywhere.  When I was finally able to get my glasses on, I realized that it wasn't just on the bed but the floor, her bassinet, Mike, and the washer (for those of you unfamiliar with my parents' home they turned my childhood bedroom into a laundry room and threw a bed in to pretend it's still my room).  Move over projectile vomitting - projectile pooping is moving in.

Thankfully, Lily's pooping and vomiting have gotten under control.  We have had three full days without any projectile vomiting - something that hasn't happened in weeks.  The last time she went just one day was 10 days ago so hopefully we are the right track.  We have taken her off powdered formula and put her on the ready-to-feed premade liquid.  I'm not sure what we can thank for the last few peaceful days but it's been amazing.  We are looking for a new pediatrician so hopefully soon we will have better answers to this projectile vomiting thing!
May 29, 2012 / by / 0 Comments

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