Lily passed her seventeen month milestone this past Sunday. She's changing so quickly and looks so different from her sixteen month pictures I took 30 days ago. Although she may look different, her overall mood on getting her picture taken hasn't changed. She gave me a few smirks here and there but she was mostly irritated I stuck her in a chair she couldn't get out of by herself.
Lil has just recovered from her 3rd ear infection since 4th of July weekend (I think we're on #8 from the day she was born) and we're off to see an ENT about getting tubes. While she generally does pretty good with the infections - perhaps she's used to them - she chose not to sleep last Monday night. She doesn't usually get a fever or overally cranky but last week she seemed to be in a little bit of pain and not interested in bedtime. After getting up with her several times, I left her in her crib with a book hoping she'd entertain herself. Sometime after midnight I woke up to a crash and her screaming. Thinking of course the worst (and Mike barely registering that anything was going on) I flew across the hall to find she'd stacked her blankets and stuff animals between the slats in her crib above her bumpers and was attempting to climb out. The crash was her falling back into the crib unsuccessful. As you can imgaine I was furious and refused to give her anything but her small security blanket to go back to bed. I'm happy to say this was a one time occurance and hasn't happened since. Mike thinks we have to be proud of her for being so resourceful. I'm not so sure I agree.
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