September 9, 2013

Angels & Demons

Mike had to work this past weekend for one of the weekend guys.  This consisted of two 12 hour shifts from 6am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.  Typically when Mike ends up working a weekend, I schedule a much needed shopping trip with my girlfriend and Lily's future husband.  This weekend was no different. 

We met Carolyn, Colt, and Aunt Kait at Cracker Barrel for breakfast and then proceeded to the mall.  I did some damage at the Old Navy Baby Sale as well as the Crazy 8 clearance section.  Colt and Lily both received some pretty fancy balloons from Old Navy and I don't think Lily has left hers alone since we've gotten home.  She was an angel at the restaurant and the mall.  Then we loaded up in the car and the demons possessed her. 

We left the mall around noon which is nap time.  I thought we'd timed it perfectly - she'd fall asleep in the car, I'd transfer her to her crib upon arrival home, and I'd get some laundry done.  NOT SO FAST.  I knew we were in trouble when 2:00 rolled around and she was still going strong without a nap.  By the time the clock struck 3:30 I was on the phone with Mike in tears that he had to come home immediately because our daughter had been rolling around on the floor screaming for the last hour.  She'd refused a sippy cup, any form of food, even a bottle (I was desperate OK?).  After Mike calmly told me coming home was not a viable option, I pinned her down and stuck a bottle in her mouth.  And you know what?  She grabbed it with both hands and started chugging like she'd been deprived of food for the past month.  At 5:00 she passed out on the floor mid-read where she slept for a half hour before I woke her up to eat dinner. 

When Sunday morning arrived, the thought of hanging out with Lily all day made me anxious.  Lily slept in until 8am - something that rarely happens - and greeted me with a smile when I went to get her from her crib.  We ran to the grocery store and made it in and out alive on our own.  Lily even helped me cross items off my list without tear it into shreds.  Aunt Erin came to visit and we played outside much of the afternoon.  The weather was perfect and so was Lily.  How can someone so small be a devil child one day and an angel the next?  Saturday Lily had me swearing off any future offspring and Sunday had me telling Mike maybe it wasn't out of the question. 

Coloring together - Please note the pigtails

Not a fan of pictures
Typical Colt/Lily picture - Colt smiling and Lily not
Reading is exhausting
She may look like an angel here
I asked Lily to give Diesel hugs and kisses

Diesel wasn't really into participating


Diesel stopped too early
Loves her doggie
September 09, 2013 / by / 0 Comments

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