October 16, 2013

Our Life is Exciting

My girlfriend Katie told me yesterday that I live a much more exciting life than I let on.  If you consider cutting burrs out of your labradoodle's hair and changing one diarrhea filled diaper after another exciting then yes - our lives are filled with so much excitement.

The last two weeks have been jam packed with several "exciting" things.  Lily finally visited the Ears, Nose and Throat doctor on Friday October 4 to get checked out to see if she was a candidate for tubes.  She was more interested in hanging out in the waiting room than actually visiting with the doctor.

Big surprise - she had fluid in her ears and the doctor told us we were a ticking time bomb for another infection.  He told us we'd meet with his scheduler but he was definitely a few weeks out.  I thought for sure we were looking to November to get anything taken care of.  Five minutes later we had an appointment for less than a week away.  Our options were drop everything the following Thursday or wait four more weeks.  We decided the sooner the better.

After our appointment we headed out to visit the Reuschel family to meet their latest addition - Mr. Ellis.  I must say that I'm liking Lily's increased options of Reuschels for her arranged marriage.

In the mean time, Mike enjoyed a guys golf weekend which meant Lily and I were on our own dog watching and hanging with the girls left behind.  To say Lily didn't love spending time with her cousins would be a complete lie.  We spent Saturday doing crafts and playing at the park.


When Thursday finally rolled around last week, I wouldn't say we were completely ready for Lily's surgery.  Mike and I were both swamped at work and were not at all mentally prepared to see Lily taken away from us screaming.  Her pre-op instructions were no food or drink 12 hours before so that didn't help our situation much either.  We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am with Lily barely awake and still in her jammies.  Awaiting her on her hospital bed was a brand new stuffed puppy dog which she proceeded to throw on the floor and kick off her bed every time we tried to give it back.  The second it touched her blanket or her puppy it was free falling to it's doom.  There ended up being an emergency at the children's hospital which delayed her surgery about an hour.  Lily kept it together pretty good - mostly she explored the hallways and tried to introduce herself to the other patients.  The surgery lasted all of 10 minutes - I had enough time to use the restroom and pour myself a cup of coffee before the doctor came out to get us.  When they brought Lily off the anesthetic she screamed her head off (and didn't stop until we were down the street from the hospital).

We spent all of Friday laying low and letting Lily recover.  She was back to her normal self it seemed in no time.  Saturday morning we ventured up to Robinettes to do the whole orchard thing and Lily flipped a switch.  She became inconsolable, seemed as if she couldn't take a deep breath, and felt like she was on fire (this is also where the diarrhea came into play).  We took her into Urgent Care where they confirmed she had a fever of 102 but that her tubes looked great and seemed to be healing.  They pumped her full of Tylenol and Motrin at the same time and within 30 minutes we had a new child.  We took her home with instructions to keep her full of pedialyte and alternate the doses of fever reducers.  Sunday morning her fever was down to 99 and by Monday morning we shipped her off to daycare.  Today is the first day I'd say she seems back to herself - eating like a pig again and dancing up a storm.  Oh - and she likes her dog again - did I mention the burrs yet?

After our urgent care incident, Mike took Diesel over to our friends while he helped work on their house.  Their kids played fetch with her for hours - apparently straight into a pricker bush.  Mike spent the rest of Saturday night cutting out prickers AND on the phone with the groomer trying to get her in on Sunday.  When we finally did get her an appointment we couldn't find her rabies paperwork and completely turned our house upside down looking for it.  Little did we know that our vet is actually open on Sunday (no wonder we pay so much each visit) so we were able to pick up a copy of her certificate.  The groomer had to completely shave her - shorter than we've ever had her - and Lily sobbed the minute Diesel came through the door.  It wasn't until yesterday that Lily either realized this is her dog or has accepted the fact that this new dog is staying. 

October 16, 2013 / by / 0 Comments

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