April 2, 2016

Hoppy Easter Everybunny

Easter seems to be when my Pinterest fail rate hits the top.  One of Lily's teachers was dying Easter eggs in shaving cream and food coloring and pointed me to Pinterest for the concoction.  Unfortunately, it didn't work so well for us this year.  Too much shaving cream and not enough food coloring made the swirled eggs so pale we ended up dunking them all back into the good ole vinegar dye.

Growing up, I loved spending the holidays with all of my cousins.  As we got older and our own families started to grow, we decided to start alternating every other year and every other holiday which meant we started seeing each other less and less.  Then babies got into the mix and our gatherings got larger and larger but still not often enough.  My ever so smart cousin Karrie suggested we do Easter together this year even though it was an "off" year.  To make it work and not throw everyone off, we got together on a beautiful Saturday to celebrate with everyone that was able to make it.

These two couldn't wait to get out and hunt eggs.  

They were conspiring so well together to get down those steps without anyone seeing.  Nothing like a little cousin rivalry when we actually let them loose on the eggs - including stiff arming each other across the yard.   

Then there's nothing like a little friendly competition blowing up balloons...

....and hunting for adult Easter eggs.  Wait - they're filled with what????

Not for you little one.

On Easter Sunday we enjoyed the beautiful weather that was bestowed upon us before Jack Frost decided to reappear today.

What a difference a week makes in Michigan.  My Easter flowers want nothing to do with that white business outside.

April 02, 2016 / by / 0 Comments

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