January 30, 2017

Oh Baby!

I just inhaled half a loaf of bread, a salad, pasta, and an amazing slice of cheesecake from Carraba's to-go.  Like - in 10 minutes - while I watched a chick flick without interruptions.  All in the comfort of my fabulous hotel suite in Troy, Michigan.  At this very moment, Mike is chilling in Lexington, Kentucky trying to wine and dine a supplier and Lily got shipped off to Grandma's.  January's been a busy month for us Hoys - the month literally disappeared on us.

It's funny how life works.  Never in a million years did I imagine myself back at BDO in this capacity.  But hey, never in a million years did I imagine myself pregnant again either.  I had fully anticipated updating the blog with my pregnancy progress a little more frequently but here I am - 29 weeks today (baby's as big as an acorn squash) - and I'm just now sitting down and updating for the entire month of January!  Now seems as good as ever right?

So....why?  I'm still not really sure.  Mike and I for the longest time said we were done.  My horrific birth experience with Lily was not doing us any favors and we'd gotten comfortable with just one.  In the spring of 2015 Mike gave me somewhat of an ultimatum - if we were going to have another baby we needed to do it now or call it.  So that was it...now or never...and then we didn't get pregnant.  It was frustrating and I didn't feel like I was ready, I couldn't imagine loving another child as much as I loved Lily, so we called it.  We were the Hoy family party of 3.

Fast forward to July 2016...I'd recently turned 30, had a 4 year old going on 16....and out of nowhere I told Mike maybe I wasn't really done.  Could we try until Lily's 5th birthday and then if it didn't happen by then it really wasn't meant to be?  Mike looked at me as if I'd grown 5 heads.  For good reason too.  The last few months had been filled with us visiting friend after friend and their newborn baby and me coming home saying oh thank goodness that's not us.  I'd had absolutely no itch but he said "OK sure" and then 4 weeks later I was peeing on stick, crying my eyes out, and watching my husband throw back old fashioned after old fashioned at our anniversary dinner while I was googling whether or not I could eat a medium rare steak and scallops at one of the nicest restaurants in the city.

And here we are now - 29 weeks later - extremely anxious about how this pregnancy will play out and not at all prepared for how drastically our lives are going to change.  But on the plus side, Lily can't wait to be a big sister.  So look out world, the Hoy Fam is growing.

January 30, 2017 / by / 0 Comments

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