August 14, 2019

A look back @ 10 years of marriage

In a blink of an eye, we went from this...

to this...

Okay, okay, so it was 10 years but still.  It's becoming something of a reoccurring theme here - me saying I can't believe time is flying by so quickly...

Ten years ago tonight I was attempting to get some sleep in a hotel room surrounded by some of my best girlfriends while Mike was closing down Z’s bar around the block.  Never could I have imagined the journey where life was going to take us after we walked down that aisle.  It’s no secret - marriage isn’t easy - if someone tells you theirs is perfect, I strongly believe they are lying to you.  I’d be lying to you if I told you we never ever fight and everything is always 100% hunky dorey.  It's crazy to say, but I've known Mike for more than half my life - we met in sixth grade, started dating our junior year, and fast forward, we're navigating parenthood together trying to figure out the best way to live our lives in a world that's changing immensely every single day.

Earlier this year, during a conversation about our monthly budget, Mike asked me a question I couldn’t answer - what’s your life goal?  When I started to answer he cut me off - not your career goal or your parenting goal, but YOUR life goal?  It's a question I've been trying to find the answer to ever since.  Mike challenges me to see things in a different light every single day.  He's always in my corner even when we're fighting against each other.

I won't bore you with the details of the last 16+ years we've spent together - you could rewind this blog a bit to find a good chunk of our journey.  When I decided to highlight our ten year anniversary, I set out on a goal to find at least one picture of us each year.  It turned out to be A LOT harder than I thought it would be - apparently we don't ever take pictures of ourselves unless we're at a wedding, a tailgate, or drunk on the boat.  Apologies for the terribly blurry ones - that's what happens when you have to dig back into the digital archives.  Oh...and if there's one thing I've learned from this...Mike's taste in suits has certainly gotten better.

2009 - Our Honeymoon


2011 - Pregnant with Lily





2016 - On our anniversary and had just found out I was pregnant with Julia




August 14, 2019 / by / 0 Comments

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