June 18, 2012

Lights Out!

Lily and I experienced our first power outage today.  Who knew having an infant and no power could be so inconvenient - I couldn't get formula out of the fridge, I couldn't wash dishes, I couldn't heat up formula, I couldn't do laundry.  I had the brilliant idea that we would just hit up the mall for lunch until I realized I couldn't get my car out of the garage.  I had to stand on a bucket to disengage the opener since I couldn't get to the ladder and then Mike told me we had the world's heaviest garage door.  I wasn't tall enough or strong enough to get the door all the way up the track so I stuck a screwdriver in one of the track holes to hold the door open.  I think my car had about two inches of clearance when I backed it out.  Have no fear though - we made it successfully to the mall!

We spent this past weekend in Vicksburg.  Every Father's Day weekend marks one of our favorite weekends of the summer - the Austin Lake Poker Run.  We were excited for it to be Lily's first Poker Run however when we went to register Saturday morning, we were told they were sold out of poker hands.  Lily was not going to be able to play!  Instead we spent the day watching the boats try to dock, drinking vodka filled snowcones, soaking up the sun and dodging thunderstorms.  Lily's new bathing suit didn't go to waste - that's for sure! 

Just hanging out on the boat

Lily needed a drink just like everyone else

Aunt Aimee came to visit!

Dodging the storms with Miss Rachel

Sunbathing beauties
And don't forget that Sunday was Father's Day!  We spent the day with Mike's family and visiting with cousin Anna!

Dad's Perfect Catch
Getting so big!
Since last Tuesday Lily has been extremely fussy during feedings - barely eating more than 2 ounces, pushing the bottle away and screaming everytime we managed to get one into her mouth but she'd take her pacifier no problem.  Aunt Hollie witnessed an episode yesterday and suggested we try one of Anna's wide neck bottles.  Sure enough, Lily downed an entire bottle.  For whatever reason, she seems to feed better off the larger bottle.  She has been eating so good the past 24 hours!
June 18, 2012 / by / 0 Comments

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