June 10, 2012

Thirteen Weeks!

I've been told I've been neglecting my blog.....

I cannot believe that thirteen weeks ago this little lady came into our lives.  She's had some pretty big milestones this past week.  She has been doing so much better - only a couple of vomiting episodes this past week - all of them following bottles of powdered formula.  You'd think we would learn our lesson but sometimes it's just so much easier!  Especially when we are out running errands or going to dinner. 

Milestone 1 - CRIB
Last Friday night we started her sleeping in her crib.  She has slept every night for over a week in her crib instead of her elevated bassinet - turns out a crib isn't just a decorative home accent.  We've been sleeping so much better now that she is out of our room!  I don't wake up at every single peep she makes.  And when she fusses it's way easier to let her cry herself back to sleep than when she is right next to the bed.  Here's to hoping she sleeps through the night soon now!

Milestone 2 - FOUNDERS
Ok - I don't really know if everyone would consider this a "milestone" but if you're from Grand Rapids then you know what an amazing place Founders Brewing Company is.  We hit up Festival Saturday morning (another great Grand Rapids event) and then somehow (mostly Daddy was driving and Uncle Brayden was agreeing) ended up at Founders in the afternoon.

Milestone 3 - HIDDEN CANYON
This is probably more of a Mommy milestone.  Our good friends the Stuevers - who happen to be our old neighbors - had their beautiful baby boy Cru on June 2nd and we were able to visit on Friday.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Cru and Lily bonding but their puppy Axel wasn't too sure about having a second baby in their house.  It was my first time back to our old neighborhood since we packed up our house and drove out of our driveway (at six months pregnant you can imagine I was a bit emotional).  It was strange to have to get into our car to leave instead of walk across the yard.  We were also able to make a pit stop at both the Maleskis and the Veltings to say hi.  It felt just like old times - except we had a 25 minute drive home.

Milestone 4 - DADDY TIME
This is definitely a Daddy milestone.  Today I had a bridal shower to attend and decided to leave Lily at home with Daddy.  It was their first time home together for more than just an hour or two.  It appears everything went well - there wasn't any crying when I walked in the door (from Lily, Daddy or Diesel).  It was a good test for when I got back to work in two weeks and Daddy is at home one day a week with Lily.

I know I've already done a whole post on Lily and Diesel but I couldn't resist posting these next few pictures.  Everyone always asks if Diesel feels neglected but if anything I think she gets more attention.  Once I go back to work I'm sure she'll feel differently but she is loving having me home all day.


June 10, 2012 / by / 0 Comments

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