January 7, 2013

Happy Monday!

This morning when my alarm went off - I got out of bed.  There was no hitting the snooze button, I literally just got out of bed.  Mike will tell you this NEVER EVER happens - I snooze for at least 30 minutes every morning.  Surely you see this as a sign I started Monday off on the right foot.  It's my week for daycare dropoff - we alternate weeks (I dropoff, Mike picks up/Mike drops off, I pick up - you get the picture).  Most days when I have AM duty I snooze until Lily starts screaming, roll out of bed and run around the house like a crazy lady to get myself, Lily, and the dog taken care of for the day.  Today however, I got ready without rushing, had to actually wake Lily up, and was walking out the door at promptly 7:20am. 

As I was walking through the garage to put Lily in her car seat - I heard that distinct noise - watched her scrunch up her face - and then that unwanted smell reached my nose.  She was messing her diaper.  I stood there for a minute with Lily in my arms and her bag of bottles, my purse, my computer bag, my snack bag, container of cupcakes to celebrate my BDO anniversary and other random bag of junk thrown over both shoulders and thought - do I just put her in her car seat and let day care deal with it?  I mean - nominations for mother of the year have come and gone and I clearly am not winning the title.  I realized I wouldn't be able to stand the smell for the two minute drive to daycare and that my car would probably still reek when I left work in the evening so I turned around and bee lined it back into the house dropping all five of my bags in the laundry room.  Do you see where this is going?

Turns out Lily hadn't only messed her diaper but in fact had a massive explosion requiring a whole new wardrobe.  (Your welcome daycare).  So I started running around the house like a mad woman finding Lily new clothes, spraying her soiled one and throwing it in the wash, throwing her coat and hat back on and loading myself back up like a pack mule.  I backed out of the driveway at 7:40 and made it into work a little after 8.  Riding up in the elevator with my co-worker we joked about how Monday always seemed to be the endless bag of junk days and that's when I realized I'd forgotten my "random bag of junk" which contained my welcome gifts for my assigned new hires.  FAIL.  Proceeding with the morning I realized my wallet was in the diaper bag which was not in my possession and I was scheduled to take interns out to lunch.  FAIL.  So what's the moral of this story?  I'm snoozing every morning.
January 07, 2013 / by / 0 Comments

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