May 14, 2013

Hoy Happenings

Operation get organized has pretty much taken over my Fridays off.  The other day I purchased a label maker specifically so I could label these three bins in our laundry room cabinet.

I'm sure you would agree with me that this purchase was a great decision however my husband disagreed.  He asked me, You bought that thing for just those?  I explained that I could find 100 more uses for it, I just needed a few more Fridays off to figure out what to do with it.  And I did just that - if you venture into my house and peer into any of my cupboards or closets, you will find anything and everything that could be labeled, labeled. 

While I know you all love seeing how organized my cupboards are, I know you've really stopped by to see pictures of our growing girl.  Every day her personality continues to develop and before my eyes I see both mine and Mike's tendencies coming out. 
  • SHORT FUSE: The other day I arrived at daycare to yet another bite mark on her arm.  The incident report I had to sign noted Lily stole a "friend's" toy, Lily's "friend" got angry and bit her, Lily proceeded to punch her "friend".  At least she got a good hit in. 
  • DRAMA QUEEN:  She threw a spectacular tantrum in which she threw herself on the floor and rolled herself across our kitchen.  I'm sure it's hard to believe but I myself threw one of these tantrums in which I rolled myself out of my bedroom, through the kitchen, and into the dining room.  My mother was nearly in tears when I relayed Lily's episode - and not because she felt bad for me.
  • QUIET: We had Lily's preschool conferences last week.  Her area to work on is verbalizing.  She doesn't really talk very much and she hasn't picked up on a lot of words.  Her vocabulary pretty much consists of yes, no, mama, dad, dog, Diesel, Dixie, uh oh, and ball.  She mostly just points at stuff and shrieks or grunts.  So we are working hard on getting her to talk more.  I thought having a quiet kid didn't seem so bad....
  • STUBBORN: I'm not sure if this issue we've got going on is really stubborness or perhaps laziness.  Lily can walk.  She is fully capable and has taken steps on her own.  She just refuses not to.  Her daycare teacher calls her a closet walker.  If you catch her standing or walking on her own, she falls to the ground in a heap.  If you try and help her walk, she must be holding on to you.  She will not allow herself to be in a position where you might be able to let go of her.  If you try to hold her arms or wrists she becomes a sack of potatoes and refuses to get up.
  • CAMERA SHY: Lily had spring pictures at school.  She is probably the only child in our entire day care population who threw a tantrum both attempts to get a picture.  As a result, we received a letter stating our proofs were unavailable because Lily was uncooperative at picture time.  A couple days later we had family pictures taken in which Lily refused to smile but for one picture.  She has the serious look down to a tee.  Our photographer offered us a reshoot for this coming weekend.  I hope she cracks at least one more smile for us!
  • INDEPENDENT: As long as Lily is in the same room as us, she will entertain herself with her own toys for pretty extended periods of time.  Walk out of the room and that's a different story.  She's also perfected giving herself her bottle and she's getting really good at using her own silverware.  And when the silverware isn't working, she'd prefer to use her own hands over letting you come close to her with a spoon. 

May 14, 2013 / by / 0 Comments

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