March 4, 2014

The Pains of Parenting

Yes there is an emotional toll parenting takes on you.  And your relationship.  Growing pains I think they call it.  But this post isn't going to be about the mushy gushy emotional stuff Mike and I have experienced so far.  This is about the physical pain you experience as a parent.  About two weeks ago Lily broke my nose.  For those of you who know me, my pain threshold is low - REALLY low.  I'm still not sure how Lily made it into this world without an epidural.  Either way I'm sure you think I'm exaggerating.  While this post isn't very timely to the actual incident, I feel like it's just starting to heal - and I didn't want everyone coming up to me and examining the damage so carefully covered up by makeup.

It was a typical Sunday - Lily refusing to take a nap - mom and dad begging for one.  So we compromised and Lily got to snuggle with me on the couch.  She sat up to look at something on TV and body slammed herself back into her cuddle position: direct hit = her head + my nose.  Mike could hear the crunch of cartilage across the room.  He immediately came running as I of course started sobbing.  The most amazing thing is that there was no blood and not too much bruising.  My mother attributes this to the fact that Lily moved my nose over so far there was no where for the blood to go - awesome.  Today it's still pretty tender and a teeny bit crooked but I'm finally almost able to breathe out of it.  I think.

The past few weeks have been a crazy whirlwind with Lily.  She's starting to talk in full sentences, she remembers everything, she's independent, she thinks Diesel is her best friend, she knows how old she's going to be next week, she insisted on pink bowls for her birthday party, she requests cheese caramel corn for breakfast, she has to blow dry her hair in the morning, she loves stickers, she's sad Uncle B moved out, she's over sippy cups, she fills the dog's food bowl when it's empty, she wants daddy to buy a boat, she helps with the laundry, she's going to be a dancer, she picks out her own clothes, she loves sunglasses, and candy, she thinks Aunt Katie should have named her puppy Elmo, she loves shopping, and she can turn around any bad day I've had with taxes.






March 04, 2014 / by / 0 Comments

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