We are very much into the dress yourself phase. I used to try and curb it to a minimum by suggesting two outfits and encouraging her to pick one. I learned very quickly that her memory is a lot better than I think it is as she was demanding specific articles of clothing and I was ending up arriving at work later and later each day. And in the heart of busy season, I decided I couldn't argue with a two year old who knew that her purple Minnie Mouse shirt or the pink heart shirt was really clean if I would just open up the closet doors and let her show me. So I've become that mom that lets her daughter show up to school or go to the grocery store in whatever she feels like wearing.
No Hitting
Lily went through about two weeks of a hitting streak. We were getting notes home left and right that Lily was hitting her friends at school. At home she was hitting the dog. She was saying "no thank you" along with it but unfortunately she also got a lot of time outs and a lot of stern "no hitting" reminders. We wandered into Cabela's one weekend and Lily and I were looking at the fish in the aquarium. Another family was also by us and when they started to leave, their daughter threw herself into a tantrum. The dad got into her face and yelled something along the lines of "stop crying or I will hit you". Lily turned right to him and said "No hitting!!" The man gave me the dirtiest look - and you all know I gave him an even better one. That's my daughter - saving the world.
One step at a time
I have learned over the course of this last month that life with a two year old means life slows down. I don't mean that all of a sudden you have more time on your hands or that life isn't complete chaos - I mean everything you do will take twice as long because now Lily has to do it herself. Which means life is more than complete chaos. In the mornings we brush our teeth together but Lily has to squeeze out the toothpaste. We do our hair together but Lily gets the first attempt at her pony tail. Lily picks out her own clothes. Lily puts on her owns socks and shoes. Lily has to buckle her own seatbelt. Lily has to wash her own hands. Lily has to get the stickers off the sheet herself. Lily has to walk into daycare herself. Then she has to push the buttons on the security pad herself. Then she has to visit the treehouse with the steps (thanks a lot for that Appletree - a real tree house in the middle of daycare - just to delay my morning and evening commutes?) It's all part of her learning experience. I know this. And now that life after tax season will hopefully slow down, I hope to soak up every minute of it.
Savoring it
In an attempt to savor every minute of Lily's childhood, I've been trying to keep my camera readily accessible to capture anything and everything. I'm also hoping the frequency of my camera being out will help Lily in our upcoming family photos. Regardless, I've been able to get some really good photos of precious moments (and meltdowns) I want to remember when she's going through her rotten teenage years and thinks her parents are her worst enemy. Or maybe we'll get lucky because I was never a rotten teenager. Right mom?
I'm sure there are more things that have happened over the last month that I'm forgetting to blog about (like how Grandma Hoy got locked out of the house and the fire department had to come rescue Lily) but I promise to update more frequently. And stay tuned for the before and after pictures of our living room!
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