July 21, 2014

Over Due Potty Update

I've been getting gentle (and not so gentle) nudges from family and friends so I decided to buckle down and get something up here.  I'm extremely over due for a blog post and I don't even know where to begin.  We've been crazy on the go every weekend since my last post so I suppose I'll just start with potty training and I promise to keep posting until I'm all caught up.  Maybe.

WE ARE POTTY TRAINED!  I use "we" because that's really what it is.  It's not just training Lily, it's training the whole darn family to get on Lily's potty schedule.  I took the week of the Fourth of July holiday off and Lily did amazing.  We even traveled to the lake and she only had one accident.  When I sent her back to daycare the following week, she fell off the tracks and refused to stop peeing in her pull-up.  I told daycare they simply weren't trying hard enough and sent her the next day in underwear.  They were under strict instructions to only use that pull-up for nap.  What do you know?  She's now getting apples on their tree for going full-days without accidents and she's even had two weeks without a single one.

We even made the trek to Chicago this past weekend without a single accident in the car. We only  had to fly off the highway into a McDonald's one time when Lily demanded she had to poo and refused to go in her pull-up when I told her it was ok.  And then she proceeded to call out a woman in the restroom who didn't wash her hands.  Awkward.

July 21, 2014 / by / 0 Comments

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