Thursday night I got myself prepared. Lily and I stocked the fridge with juice boxes, I printed up Lily's potty chart, and made sure I was fully equipped: treats, prizes, mini toilets in the living room, basement, and bathroom, rug cleaner, iPad potty training app, you name it - I had it. We were not going to fail this time.
Friday morning, Mike wished us well and couldn't get out of the house fast enough. By the time Daddy arrived back home, I was ready to throw in the towel and hire out a service - they make those right?? We were only 1 success in after 3 accidents and I was about to come unglued. My lovely potty training app kept reminding me - Keep up the patience! It doesn't happen overnight. Mistakes will happen! I was ready to hit the DELETE button on it.
Lily kept begging me for a diaper and a lightbulb finally went off. Every time she'd asked me for a diaper, she'd had an accident. So the next time she asked me for a diaper, Diesel, Mike and I went into the bathroom and waited for the pee to come - and when it did, Mike did a happy dance, Lily got to flush the toilet, got a treat, and a sticker. Saturday morning came and she had 1 accident and knock on wood haven't had any since. She's awoken dry from two naps and gone straight to the potty. Not even when we tried to go out for dinner (DUMMIES) and had to box up our dinner and race home because Lily wouldn't use the potty at the restaurant did she have an accident. We walked in the door and she beelined it for her potty. Here's to hoping things go smoothly at daycare this week!
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