April 16, 2015

Post 4/15 Detox

It's been awhile friends!  Happy 4/16!  The last few weeks of busy season hit me hard - I'm not quite as young as I once used to be - in terms of working late nights as well as celebrating.  Detox for me today was supposed to be getting a jump start on my list of unfinished house projects.  Instead it included a lot of gatorade and greasy food - and a notable attempt at painting a couple of doors - 3 down, 12 to go.  So I apologize if I forget to include an update on something that's happened in the last three weeks.

Lily is as spunky as ever.  In an effort not to completely squash her personality, I've been allowing her to dress herself.  I'm sure you can imagine how hard this for me.  We've also been trying to instill some chores and life lessons.  It's amazing how much she soaks in each and every day.  Aside from picking up her toys, she's in charge of feeding the dog.  We used to supervise the nightly feeding but she's now tall and strong enough to open the closet and drag out Diesel's food bin.  Diesel never goes hungry.  We also took Lily to the bank for the first time.  She loves to feed her piggy bank and historically when it's been full, Mike or I run into the bank with her rolls of change.  We both had to go in on a Saturday together so we decided to have Lily help roll up her change and pack her purse.  She got to deposit all of her money as well as pick out a prize from the bank's treasure chest.

We got to visit with our good friends the Stuevers one weekend when the weather had just started to warm up.  We grilled out and let the kiddos run wild in the fresh air.  It's always so good to see them but each time we part ways I wish for the days we could run across the lawn home instead of the 30 minute drive that now separates us.

When Easter falls during busy season, it makes me crazy.  For whatever reason, Easter is one of my favorite holidays.  I decorate my house for Easter almost as much as I decorate my house for Christmas.  If Mike would let me, I would string eggs lights on our house.  So as a thank you to my gaggle of interns, Lily and Mike helped me stuff almost 300 eggs and my co-workers helped me hide them in the courtyard outside of our office.

Conveniently this year for Easter, my mother hosted our family late in the afternoon so we were able to do lunch with Mike's parents and Grandma.  It was so good to see her - she was in a great mood - even fist bumping with Lily.

And just because Easter was amidst one of the busiest times of year for me, I didn't let that stop me from trying out new things I'd pinned - does anyone remember my Pinterest failed bunny rolls??  I'm so thankful we were able to spend some quality time with family.  I love seeing Lily play with her cousins.

I'll end this post with the reason I'm detoxing today.  I have a love-hate relationship with my job.  Fortunately the love outweighs the hate most days.  After an extremely challenging week for me, I couldn't have been more ready for yesterday to arrive.  So when my girlfriend was complaining to me and another manager in the lunch line that her former firm was handing out mimosas to celebrate the end of busy season, I was pretty easily convinced to drop everything and make a trip to Meijer.  To see the looks on our staff's faces as we delivered a variety of mimosas flight attendant style was priceless.  Even more rewarding was the reaction from our regional and office managing partners as we barged into their meeting offering up drinks.  It reinforced why I'm still where I am today.  Well.  That and the dance party that happened after the shots.  YIKES.

April 16, 2015 / by / 0 Comments

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