May 16, 2017

Julia - 1 Month Old

When I started this blog over five years ago, never in a million years did I think I'd be sitting here writing another "one month" post.  And as I look back at Lily's monthly updates (or bi-monthly when things got crazy), I wish that I'd gotten out my camera more and captured something similar to this.

It's hard to believe that Julia is a month old already.  We were discharged from the hospital on Easter Sunday, a little over 24 hours after she was born.  Our hospital has gotten rid of their nursery in an effort to better prepare mothers for caring for their babies, so I really pushed to be at home in my own bed.  Everyone keeps asking if it's easier with Julia but I truly don't know.  Our experience with Lily was so different that being home with Julia right away is just different.  That being said, knock on wood she's a pretty chill baby.  That is something we did NOT experience with Lil.

Julia only lost one ounce before we left the hospital and another half an ounce by the time we went in for her newborn appointment a day later.  We were sent home from that appointment with the goal of getting her back up to her birth weight by our next weekly appointment.  Then she started projectile vomiting and I started crying as Lily's horrible first few months came flooding back into my mind.  I was shocked when she weighed in at 8lbs, 3oz.  And I wanted to kiss the doctor when I was told we could start Julia on baby Zantac right away.  It's made all the difference.  With Lily it was several weeks and a new doctor before we were able to get it.  

Today, Julia weighed in at 9lbs, 6oz; is sleeping five hour stretches at night; having long periods of being awake during the day; napped in her crib for the first time; loves boat rides; and can't get enough of her big sister.

When I got pregnant I had serious mom guilt.  Lily was my baby and I really struggled with how much her life was about to change.  We had so many people tell us it would be great because she's older and could be helpful and would understand what was happening.  But I'd argue her fully understanding ahead of time wasn't always a good thing.  Lily had more meltdowns before Julia was born about us forgetting her than we've had now that Julia has arrived.  It's been tough for sure - Lily's watched the iPad more than I would have liked - but for the most part the transition for her has been a lot easier than I anticipated.  

May 16, 2017 / by / 0 Comments

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