October 1, 2012

Food Poisoning or Flu?

You decide - whatever it was made the Hoy house a miserable place to be this past weekend.

Friday morning I woke up feeling a little bit off.  My stomach was not right.  I managed to get into the shower but shortly after everything went downhill.  I had to call Mike (just as he sat down at his desk for the day) and ask him to come home and get Lily.  I was going no where unless the toilet came with me.  Mike came home, fed Lily, took her to daycare, and then went back to work.  I was down for the count - while I've always wanted a day to lay in bed and do nothing - this was not the day I had imagined.  Late in the afternoon, Mike called me from work to announce he was officially sick.  It must have been the chicken we had eaten the night before.  We were convinced.  We had to call in Grandma who drove up, got Lily from daycare, grabbed a bag of her clothes, and took her back home.  Saturday afternoon Mike and I managed to go to the grocery store long enough to buy soup, pita chips, and ice cream (I realize this list sounds crazy).  Sunday morning we woke up feeling wonderful.  On our way to Vicksburg to pick up Lily we got a phone call from my dad saying my mom was sick.  When I dropped Lily off at daycare this morning I was told that two of her teachers were out with the stomach flu.  Not food poisoning?

In Lily news - she's doing so much better at sitting up by herself!  It's crazy how just a few days make such a big difference in development.  She is so curious and reaches for everything.  This morning when I was getting ready for work she discovered the curtains in the bathroom.  Tonight Diesel was sitting in front of Lily and I on the floor and Diesel got up to walk away.  Lily reached out and grabbed the side of her filling both hands full of fur.  Diesel stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and started licking Lily's face like crazy.  I'm so glad they love each other.

October 01, 2012 / by / 0 Comments

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